Beating Cold and Flu with Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is integral to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments, including colds and flu. Here's how it can be particularly beneficial in combating such infections.

Boosts Immunity

Many Chinese herbs like Astragalus, Eleuthero and Reishi mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties. These help strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms, increasing its ability to fight off invading viral and bacterial infections.

Balances the Qi

Chinese herbs work to balance and restore the defensive Qi in the body. To allow your body to avoid getting sick and to heal itself more efficiently. This holistic approach addresses colds and flu symptoms and improves your overall health.

Alleviates Symptoms

Specific herbs like peppermint, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, honeysuckle and elderberry alleviate cold and flu symptoms. These are common antimicrobial and antiviral herbs that can also help reduce fever, soothe a sore throat, and clear nasal congestion.

Addresses Underlying Conditions

Chinese herbal medicine is most effective in treating underlying conditions that make you more susceptible to colds and flu, such as digestive issues, chronic stress, or sleep disturbances. Apart from infectious ailments, CHM can also treat overall health and help prevent strokes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, depression and anxiety.

Accelerates Recovery Time

Chinese herbal medicine alleviates symptoms while simultaneously promoting recovery, and preventing recurrence. Common herbs like ginger (Sheng Jiang) and licorice root (Gan Cao) can help relieve inflammation and soothe the respiratory system, aiding in quicker recovery from colds and flu.

Complements Conventional Medicine

Often, practitioners combine Chinese herbal medicine with conventional medical treatments for a comprehensive cold and flu treatment. Such an all-inclusive action plan helps enhance the efficacy of allopathic treatments and minimize side effects.

Offers Tailored Treatment Plans

One of the most advantageous features of CHM is its ability to be tailored to your specific needs and symptoms. Practitioners like Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac assess each patient's unique circumstances, considering factors like body type, medical history health, and current symptoms to create a customized plan. TCM doesn't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach.

Begin Your Healing Journey with Jenny Crissman

Chinese herbal medicine is an all-natural and highly effective approach to combating colds and flu. While Western medicine offers a range of treatments, many people are now turning to TCM for holistic healthcare. However, consulting a qualified TCM practitioner like Jenny Crissman is essential before taking any step.

Jenny provides expert guidance and a customized herbal regimen to address individual needs and concerns. She also believes in fostering a healing relationship with each client. Booking an appointment with her could be your first step towards embracing a more natural, balanced approach to good health.

Call 510-595-0700 to get started on your journey to integrative care.