Neuropathic Pain Treatment in Oakland, CA

Have  you  ever  felt  a  sharp,  burning,  or  tingling  pain  in  your  limbs,  around  the  face,  or  your  back  for  no  apparent  reason?  These  mysterious  symptoms  could  indicate  neuropathic  pain.  It's  not  just  a  regular  pain  but  a  perplexing  condition  resulting  from  nerve  damage.  It  can  confuse  and  frustrate  those  it  affects,  pushing  them  towards  finding  effective  and  long-term  solutions  apart  from  pharmaceuticals.

What Is Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic  pain  is  a  chronic  and  complex  condition  that's  primarily  prevalent  in  adults  with  diabetes.  The  general  population's  prevalence  is  between  7%  and  10%.  In  people  with  diabetes,  it  increases  to  around  30% .  It  is  also  commonly  experienced  as  a  side  effect  from  treatment  with  chemotherapy.

Essentially,  neuropathic  pain  stems  from  nerve  damage  or  dysfunction  at  any  level  of  your  nervous  system,  including  peripheral  nerves,  spinal  cord,  and  brain.  This  pain  can  be  chronic,  spontaneous,  or evoked by a disease, ectopic action potential, or an increased response to a painful stimulus.

Its  two  major  types  include  Peripheral  Neuropathy  and  Central  Neuropathy,  where  the  former  manifests  in  limbs  (hands  and  feet),  face,  and  mouth,  and  central  neuropathy  spreads  across  the  body.

Causes and Symptoms

Neuropathic pain arises from a myriad of causes, including but not limited to:

● Diabetes

● Chemotherapy

● Injuries 

● Infections

● Autoimmune diseases

These  conditions  can  damage  the  peripheral  nerves,  sending  incorrect  signals  to  the  brain  that  are  interpreted as pain.

Symptoms vary widely among individuals but commonly include:

● Burning sensation

● Stabbing pain

● Numbness

● Muscle weakness

● Unusual sensitivity to touch

● Alterations in reflexes

Such symptoms hurt physically and can deeply affect your life, making effective treatment crucial.

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Can Offer Relief

Neuropathic  pain  can  often  be  resistant  to  conventional  pain  treatments.  Acupuncture  and  Chinese  medicine  have  emerged  as  an  effective  method  to  reduce  pain  and  improve  life  quality.  Treatment  outcomes  may  vary,  but  a  holistic  approach  can  address  both  the  symptoms  and  root  causes  of  neuropathic pain.

Acupuncture  involves  the  insertion  of  very  thin  needles  into  specific  points  on  the  body,  stimulating  the  body's  natural  pain-relieving  mechanisms  to  improve  nerve  function  and  microcapillary  circulation.  It  restores  the  balance  of  Qi  (vital  energy)  in  the  body,  increases  the  release  of  endorphins  (the  body's  natural  painkillers),  reduces  inflammation,  and  improves  blood  circulation,  healing the nerve tissues.

Experience Pain Relief with Jenny Crissman

In  Oakland's  vibrant  San  Francisco/East  Bay  Area,  acupuncture  and  Chinese  medicine  offer  hope  to  many.  Jenny  Crissman,  acupuncturist,  with  over  18  years  of  experience,  masters  these  ancient  practices  to  combat  neuropathic  pain.  Her  acupuncture  techniques  and  herbal  remedies  target  pain  relief and holistic health.

Jenny  Crissman  specializes  in  treating  neuropathic  pain  arising  from  diabetes  and  chemotherapy.  These  conditions  often  lead  to  severe  nerve  pain  and  numbness  that  can  be  reduced  with  proper  treatment. . Her expertise provides relief and improves the quality of life for those affected.

Her  practice  is  more  than  just  another  treatment  facility;  it's  a  holistic  healing  space.  She  combines  traditional  Chinese  medicine  with  modern  nutrition  and  functional  medicine.  This  blend  offers  a  personalized path to wellness, emphasizing self-care and education.

Licensed  in  California,  Jenny  dedicates  her  practice  to  a  patient-first  approach,  using  multiple  techniques  to  ensure  the  best  health  outcomes.  Her  sanctuary  for  healing,  education,  and  wellness  is  a  testament  to  her  commitment  to  helping  individuals  navigate  their  path  to  wellness,  regardless  of  their starting point.

Start Your Healing Journey With Us!

Ready  to  fight  neuropathic  pain  and  achieve  holistic  health?  Book  an  appointment with  Jenny  Crissman  today.  With  her  extensive  experience  and  comprehensive  care,  she  can  be  your  guide  to  overcoming neuropathic pain.

Located  in  the  heart  of  the  San  Francisco  Bay  Area,  her  practice  is  your  first  step  towards  a  life  of  less pain and more wellness. 

Contact Jenny Crissman now and begin your path to healing.

GI-MAP Testing in Oakland – Importance of Gut Health

Oakland, known for its diverse cultural landscape and innovative spirit, is also a hub for holistic health practices. These clinics cater to people seeking alternative and complementary wellness therapies. Among the growing number of clinics, Jenny Crissman's practice in the Bay Area stands out for its unique integration of traditional treatment approaches with functional medicine diagnostics for comprehensive solutions, especially for managing gut-related problems.

This distinctive blend sets her practice apart from the crowd. One of her core tools is the innovative GI-MAP (Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus) testing, a test that has redefined the pathway to gut health optimization. It enhances the treatment's effectiveness and provides a more personalized and comprehensive path to healing.

The Importance of Gut Health

Your gut health is more than just a healthy digestive system. It influences everything from immune resilience to emotional balance and overall vitality. However, the modern lifestyle, characterized by more stress, less sleep, and poor eating habits, puts unprecedented strain on almost everyone's digestive system.

Your digestive system is often the first to bear the brunt of your hectic lifestyle. Eventually, it leads to a surge in gut-related disorders as well as a range of other complicated health issues.

Our team, under the guidance of Jenny Crissman, dedicatedly works to treat symptoms and address the root causes of digestive imbalances. Recognizing this, Jenny Crissman employs GI-MAP testing to uncover the root causes of these disturbances, offering a personalized roadmap to restoration.

The Integration of GI-MAP Testing

The GI-MAP test by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is a functional stool test that analyzes how well your body is breaking down carbs, proteins, and fats. It can also evaluate the good and bad bacteria, viruses, and parasites in your gut.

GI-MAP testing in Jenny's practice marks a significant evolution in her approaches to maintaining gut health. This advanced diagnostic tool offers a comprehensive snapshot of the gut microbiome to identify any digestive and systemic health issues.

By integrating these detailed insights with her extensive knowledge of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Jenny can tailor her treatments to each patient's unique needs, enhancing the effectiveness and precision of her care.

Experience a Customized Care Journey

Jenny's holistic approach begins with an in-depth evaluation, combining traditional diagnostic methods with the actionable data GI-MAP testing provides. This information fusion allows her to develop a highly customized treatment plan, targeting the symptoms and addressing the underlying disturbances. Patients are guided through a journey of healing that contains targeted acupuncture treatments, specific herbal formulations, and nutritional strategies particularly designed to restore and maintain optimal gut health.

Begin Your Personalized Gut Health Journey with Jenny Crissman

Are you ready to transform your digestive health and unlock a new dimension of well-being?

Connect with Jenny Crissman in Oakland and experience optimal gut health with the innovative GI-MAP testing and the holistic power of acupuncture. It is where ancient healing arts meet modern diagnostic precision. Click here to book your consultation with Jenny today and address your unique health needs.

Transform Your Life with Acupuncture for Pain Management

 Acupuncture,  a  therapeutic  practice  rooted  in  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM),  is  gaining  widespread  recognition  for  its  efficacy  in  managing  different  types  of  pain.  Millions  of  Americans  today  experience  pain  on  most  days  or  every  day.  Whether  it's  regular  back  pain,  neck  pain,  debilitating  migraines  ,  or  setbacks  due  to  an  injury,  pain  can  be  a  significant  concern.  Acupuncture  offers a pathway to wellness and energizes many like never before.

Acupuncture Is More than Just Needles

At  its  core,  acupuncture  helps  restore  balance  and  harmonize  the  flow  of  Qi  (life  energy)  throughout  the  body.  The  strategic  placement  of  needles  is  just  one  aspect  of  the  procedure.  More  than  needles,  acupuncture  is  a  revitalizing  therapy.  It  taps  into  the  body's  natural  healing  abilities,  nudging  the  mind, body, and spirit toward equilibrium and wellness. 

Acupuncture for Injury Rehabilitation

 Indeed,  the  road  to  recovery  post-injury  can  be  long  and  challenging.  Acupuncture  for  injury  rehabilitation  emerges  as  a  key  player  in  this  journey.  By  improving  blood  flow,  reducing  inflammation,  and  stimulating  the  body's  natural  healing  mechanisms,  acupuncture  can  accelerate  recovery and get you back to your life quicker. 

In  fact,  acupuncture  does  not  just  heal  the  body.  It  also  restores  a  sense  of  rejuvenation  and  independence, something highly valued in the active lifestyle of Bay Area residents.

A Boon for Cancer Pain Management

 Another  remarkable  application  of  acupuncture  is  for  pain  management  associated  post  operatively  or  for  the  painful  side  effects  of  cancer  treatment..  For  those  fighting  cancer,  pain  can  be  a  debilitating  companion.  By  targeting  specific  points  in  the  body,  acupuncture  can  relieve  pain,  reduce  stress,  and  improve  overall  well-being.  Here  in  Oakland  I  offer  progressive  up  to  date  integrative  medicine.  We  offer  a  complementary  treatment  that  can  work  in  combination  with  conventional cancer therapies.

Jenny Crissman – A Healer and Counselor

 The  Bay  Area  community  is  known  for  its  diverse  and  alternative  therapies.  Acupuncture  stands  as  a natural fit to help boost wellness and improve your health.

It’s  a  safe,  non-invasive  approach  when  performed  by  a  qualified  practitioner.  Patients  experience  a  sense of relaxation and overall wellness  with each session.

At  my  acupuncture  practice  in  Oakland,  we're  excited  to  share  this  traditional  yet  innovative  form  of  pain  management.  My  approaches  are  unique  and  blend  centuries-old  techniques  with  a  deep  understanding of sports injury and neuro muscular/skeletal  issues.

When  visiting  my  practice,  you  can  expect  a  comprehensive  consultation  session  where  I  assess  your  full  medical  history  and  current  health  concerns.  This  thorough  examination  allows  my  team  and me to tailor your treatment plan aligning with your needs.

You  can  expect  pain  reduction  and  lifestyle  suggestions  to  reduce  inflammation  and  promote  healing.

During  a  session  we  can  address  many  concerns  simultaneously  :  Arthritic  pain,  repetitive  stress  pain,  sports  injuries,  migraine  headaches,  digestive  problems,  emotional  disturbances,  and  autoimmune disorders.

Acupuncture reduces pain and inflammation, and promotes health and vitality.

Experience Pain-Free Living with Acupuncture

Acupuncture  offers  a  promising  path  for  those  struggling  with  pain.  Its  holistic  approach,  ability  to  complement other treatments, and minimal side effects make it an appealing choice for many.

If  you're  tired  of  letting  pain  control  your  life,  it's  time  to  see  a  specialist  for  pain  relief  .  Please  book  your appointment today and  begin your transformative journey.

Beating Cold and Flu with Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is integral to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments, including colds and flu. Here's how it can be particularly beneficial in combating such infections.

Boosts Immunity

Many Chinese herbs like Astragalus, Eleuthero and Reishi mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties. These help strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms, increasing its ability to fight off invading viral and bacterial infections.

Balances the Qi

Chinese herbs work to balance and restore the defensive Qi in the body. To allow your body to avoid getting sick and to heal itself more efficiently. This holistic approach addresses colds and flu symptoms and improves your overall health.

Alleviates Symptoms

Specific herbs like peppermint, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, honeysuckle and elderberry alleviate cold and flu symptoms. These are common antimicrobial and antiviral herbs that can also help reduce fever, soothe a sore throat, and clear nasal congestion.

Addresses Underlying Conditions

Chinese herbal medicine is most effective in treating underlying conditions that make you more susceptible to colds and flu, such as digestive issues, chronic stress, or sleep disturbances. Apart from infectious ailments, CHM can also treat overall health and help prevent strokes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, depression and anxiety.

Accelerates Recovery Time

Chinese herbal medicine alleviates symptoms while simultaneously promoting recovery, and preventing recurrence. Common herbs like ginger (Sheng Jiang) and licorice root (Gan Cao) can help relieve inflammation and soothe the respiratory system, aiding in quicker recovery from colds and flu.

Complements Conventional Medicine

Often, practitioners combine Chinese herbal medicine with conventional medical treatments for a comprehensive cold and flu treatment. Such an all-inclusive action plan helps enhance the efficacy of allopathic treatments and minimize side effects.

Offers Tailored Treatment Plans

One of the most advantageous features of CHM is its ability to be tailored to your specific needs and symptoms. Practitioners like Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac assess each patient's unique circumstances, considering factors like body type, medical history health, and current symptoms to create a customized plan. TCM doesn't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach.

Begin Your Healing Journey with Jenny Crissman

Chinese herbal medicine is an all-natural and highly effective approach to combating colds and flu. While Western medicine offers a range of treatments, many people are now turning to TCM for holistic healthcare. However, consulting a qualified TCM practitioner like Jenny Crissman is essential before taking any step.

Jenny provides expert guidance and a customized herbal regimen to address individual needs and concerns. She also believes in fostering a healing relationship with each client. Booking an appointment with her could be your first step towards embracing a more natural, balanced approach to good health.

Call 510-595-0700 to get started on your journey to integrative care.

October Marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let's Embrace the Pink Wave!

As the leaves change color and the air feels crisp, another major transformation unfolds every year in October – the world turns pink. Not fashion-wise or as a seasonal trend, it does so to symbolize unity, hope, and awareness.

October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time when communities come together and foster understanding around breast cancer, promote early detection, support survivors, and remember those lost.

Breast Cancer: A Statistical Overview

Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, especially in American women. There are no specific risk factors other than age, sex, damaged DNA, and/or any injury. It can also affect about 0.5–1% of men.

In less developed nations, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths. In 2020, nearly 2.3 million women worldwide were diagnosed with breast cancer, of which 685,000 deaths were reported. Over the years, breast cancer incidence and mortality rates have increased significantly.

Awareness Matters

The origin of the pink ribbon (symbolizing breast cancer awareness) began as a collaborative effort among charities, healthcare organizations, and corporations to promote mammography for battling breast cancer. With time, the initiative grew into a global movement to end the stigma and silence around this disease.

Spreading awareness around breast cancer serves several important purposes. It promotes early detection upon noticing any signs such as:

●     A lump in the underarm or breast that doesn't seem to go away

●     Swelling starting from the collarbone and spreading to the armpit, breast, and ribs

●     Thickening in some parts of the breast

●     Flaky or crusty nipple skin

It also empowers those fighting this heart-wrenching journey. Furthermore, the money raised throughout this month goes into funding research, continuously aiming to find a cure.

Harnessing Ancient Healing Methods

Breast cancer is a global health concern. Thus, it's crucial to explore every treatment avenue for those affected.

Notably, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are emerging as promising supplementary therapies. The raft of benefits of these healing therapies include:

●     Decreasing inflammation

●     Managing stress

●     Helping reduce night sweats and hot flashes

●     Providing relief from chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting

●     Augmenting platelet counts dipping during chemotherapy

●     Promoting peripheral blood flow and minimizing chemotherapy induced neuropathy

Leading the charge in this domain is our seasoned practitioner, Jenny Crissman.

With a career in integrative care dating back to the 1980s, Jenny's dedication to improving patient quality of life has been unwavering. Seamlessly blending age-old wisdom with the advancements of modern science, Jenny offers a refreshing take on healing and well-being in Oakland.

Her multifaceted approach has helped numerous people address breast cancer's physical, emotional, and psychological struggles. Jenny has 18 years of hands-on acupuncture experience and over three decades dedicated to guiding people through their healing paths.

All her patients receive a tailored treatment of well-being, integrating nutritional advice, lifestyle and supprtive strategies. At the core, she works to cultivate wellness, combining ancient Chinese medicine with modern functional medicine, persistent self-care, and patient enlightenment.

As Breast Cancer Awareness Month encourages us to reflect and act, it's reassuring to know that professionals like Jenny Crissman in Oakland are pioneering a blend of traditional and innovative approaches to optimize patient outcomes.

Final Thoughts

Breast cancer is a reminder of a collective effort to defeat this formidable adversary. Remember, no matter how small, every action can make a difference. Show respect, share stories, donate to charities, and prioritize regular checkups to stay on top of your health goals. If you'd like to explore more about alternative treatments like acupuncture for cancer, book an appointment to get started.

Lower A1C with TCM & Acupuncture for Holistic Diabetes Care

Diabetes  is  increasing  at  an  alarming  rate  and  gradually  becoming  a  global  health  concern.  In  2021,  around  529  million people  were  diagnosed  with  diabetes,  and  the  figures  are  expected  to  reach  1.31  billion  by  2050.  Factors  like  obesity,  poor  diet,  and  lack  of  physical  activity  have  increased  the  number of adults living with diabetes in America.

To  unlock  wellness,  there's  a  growing  interest  in  non-traditional  methods  to  prevent  and  combat  the  onset  of  type  2  diabetes  and  help  with  the  management  of  type  1  diabetes.  Jenny  Crissman,  uses  multiple  modalities  to  help  with  both.  She  is  educated  as  a  nutritionist,  and  licensed  herbalist  and  acupuncturist/ TCM in Oakland.  A Quick Look at A1C and Diabetes

A1C,  also  called  HbA1c  or  glycated  hemoglobin,  measures  your  average  blood  sugar  levels  over  the  past three months. Essential for diabetics, the A1C test reflects long-term sugar control. 

Higher  levels  indicate  poorer  control  and  increased  risk  of  complications,  whereas  a  lower  value  signifies  better  management.  Although  an  A1C  below  7%  is  the  common  goal,  people  with  diabetes  must consult a healthcare professional to set individual targets for better control.

Jenny Crissman: Pioneering Holistic Health

As  complementary  and  alternative  medicine  practice,  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine,  acupuncture,  and Chinese herbs are  regarded as safe to treat diabetes if appropriately used.

If  you've  tried  everything  and  see  no  relief,  Jenny  Crissman  sees  her  practice  as  a  sanctuary  for  people  to  heal  and  feel  their  best.  Crissman  isn't  just  an  ordinary  practitioner  but  a  testament  to  dedication  and  passion  for  holistic  care.  Since  2003,  she  has  been  licensed  to  serve  in  the  state  of  California.

With  18  years  of  hands-on  experience  in  acupuncture  treatments  and  over  35  years  of  guiding  individuals on the delicate relationship between food and wellness, her expertise is unquestionable.

How Can Acupuncture and TCM Help with Diabetes?

The  rise  in  diabetes  cases  demands  complementary  and  effective  solutions.  Acupuncture  and  TCM  offer a fresh perspective and are going mainstream in medicine. 

By targeting specific meridians and energy flow (or  qi)  in  the body, these therapies can:

●     Improve insulin resistance

●     Reduce blood glucose levels 

●     Reduce stress

●     Improve microcirculation

●     Manage weight

●     Aid digestion

Acupuncture  and  TCM  treatments  view  the  body  as  an  interconnected  system.  Instead  of  addressing  just  the  symptoms,  practitioners  look  at  the  individual's  overall  health,  correcting  imbalances  contributing to diabetes.

A Deeper Dive into Crissman's Specializations

Jenny's  focus  areas  encompass  a  wide  array  of  health  concerns.  She  specializes  in  digestive  issues,  gut  health,  and  women's  health  and  adjunct  cancer  care.  Her  proficiency  extends  to  pain  and  sports  injuries, ensuring athletes remain in top shape during recovery.

Her  dedication  to  integrative  cancer  care  was  first  fueled  by  being  a  volunteer  at  Charlotte  Maxwell  Complementary  Care  Clinic 18   years  ago.  For  those  facing  sports  injuries  or  pain,  her  apprenticeship under Whitfield Reeves in Acupuncture and Sports Medicine has honed her skills.

Beyond  acupuncture,  Jenny  offers  a  comprehensive  treatment  package,  including  cupping,  moxibustion,  and  well-sourced  herbal  formulas.  Her  guidance  doesn't  stop  there!  With  a  background  in  nutrition,  Jenny  also  provides  dietary  recommendations  and  lifestyle  suggestions  tailored to individual needs.

Ready to Transform Your Health with a Holistic Touch?

In  the  battle  against  diabetes,  traditional  approaches  sometimes  need  a  fresh  perspective.  With  a  vast  experience  and  commitment  to  the  wellness  of  the  Oakland  and  Bay  Area  communities,  Jenny  Crissman presents an alternative and effective method to lower A1C and prevent diabetes.

So,  do  not  let  diabetes  dictate  your  life.  With  Jenny's  expertise,  you  can  lower  A1C  and  embrace  a healthy life. Reach out today; call at 510-595-0700 – your path to holistic well-being awaits!

Acupuncture for Chronic Neck Pain – A Quick Beginner’s Guide

Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders affecting over 30% of American adults in any given year. About half of these people live with chronic neck pain for several years (or permanently), leading to a high demand for better treatment options.

But to find the right treatment for neck pain, it’s important to find its cause.

What Causes Chronic Neck Pain?

Neck pain that lasts for more than three months is called chronic neck pain. It can be caused by several factors, including poor posture, injury, and underlying health conditions. Some  more factors include:

  • Aging

  • Degenerative joints and bone diseases

  • Physical strain – could be caused by poor posture, overuse of neck muscles, holding head/neck in a specific position for too long, excessively high body weight, etc.

  • Injury

  • Mental stress

How Is Neck Pain Treated?

Treatment for neck pain begins with identifying and eliminating/managing the underlying cause if and when possible. The next step is to relieve pain and manage other problems that a patient may be experiencing. Depending on a patient’s health, medical history, and severity of the problem, this may  include:

  • Pain-relieving medications

  • Muscle relaxants

  • Physical therapy/exercise

  • Steroid injections

  • Nerve stimulation through the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Unit.  

  • Surgery

Acupuncture is a very effective Alternative Therapy for Chronic Neck Pain

The use of alternative therapies to help loosen and relax strained muscles and relieve pain is increasingly becoming common in chronic neck pain treatment. Acupuncture is the most popular of them all for its safety and efficacy. Often recommended by primary healthcare practitioners,  as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with physical therapy, acupuncture helps ease pain by stimulating the body’s natural healing and pain relief mechanisms, promoting relaxation (both physical and mental), reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and stimulating the release of feel-good hormones.

Get Acupuncture for Chronic Neck Pain in Oakland from Jenny Crissman

Jenny Crissman is an integrative healing expert with a master’s in Acupuncture and Herbs and a licensed practitioner in the Bay Area. She has been helping people find solutions for their health issues and improve overall wellness through acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition for over 18 years.

As a traditional Chinese Medicine expert,  Jenny Crissman takes great pride in offering safe and useful solutions to a wide range of health problems. She has helped countless people overcome neck pain from a variety of causes.  Considering that neck pain can be caused by various factors, Jenny follows a  personalized approach to treating her patients. She first performs a comprehensive evaluation to understand your complaints, medical history, and lifestyle and then formulates a custom acupuncture treatment protocol to address your issues.

Dial 510-595-0700 to begin your healing journey with Jenny Crissman’s acupuncture services for chronic neck pain in Oakland.

Acupuncture for Migraines

Migraines are debilitating and prescription drugs often result in rebound headaches and over the counter drugs do not always stop the pain, leaving many searching for alternative remedies to treat these often chronic headaches. If you are looking for alternative care, know that acupuncture can help! And if you’re in Oakland or the Bay Area, Jenny Crissman has got you covered! Let’s discuss some more about both.

Acupuncture as a Treatment Option for Migraines

Acupuncture – the TCM practice of inserting very thin needles into different parts of the body – has been used successfully for a broad range of health issues for centuries. It has great reviews and positive evidence for effectiveness in migraine treatment as well.

The Evidence

Several research studies have shown acupuncture’s safety and effectiveness for migraines in reducing both the duration and frequency of migraines. Evidence shows that it’s equally or more effective than conventional drug therapy.

A systematic review of twenty-two clinical trials on the usefulness of acupuncture for migraines found that acupuncture doesn’t just help provide short-term relief but also reduces the frequency of their occurrence, providing long-term relief with effects similar to those of traditional preventive medicines. According to the analysis, 59% of the participants who received acupuncture experienced a 50% or more drop in the frequency of their migraines, with effects lasting over six months.

The Science

Researchers are still investigating how acupuncture really works to relieve migraines (or pain in general). But they believe that the needles inserted into the body – on pressure points – help activate neural pathways responsible for regulating/turning off pain signals. There’s also evidence that acupuncture helps stimulate the circulatory system, which, in part, is involved in lessening headaches and triggers the release of various pain-associated hormones, including endorphins.

Endorphins are released as a result of acupuncture and are the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals with effects similar to opioids. Various research studies have confirmed that endorphins relieve pain faster than morphine, one of the most commonly used analgesics.

Acupuncture also helps reduce stress and inflammation, enhance immune response, regulate hormones, and relax tightened neck muscles, all of which contribute to relieving migraines.

Start Your Migraine Acupuncture Journey in Oakland with Jenny Crissman

Think acupuncture may be the right treatment for you? Get in touch with Jenny Crissman – an integrative care specialist, acupuncturist, and TCM expert who uses a holistic approach to treatment. With 20 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture and a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, she uses proven therapies to restore the balance and flow of energy (qi) in the body, along with giving dietary recommendations for better and lasting results. Jenny Crissman has a proven track record of successfully treating a wide range of health conditions with acupuncture, including digestive and women’s health issues, sleeplessness, allergies, mood, and autoimmune disorders, skin problems, and pain,, including migraines Call: 510-595-0700 now to book an acupuncture session for migraines with her.

Oakland Microneedling: An Effective Treatment to Achieve Flawless, Glowing Skin

Radiant and healthy skin is the dream for many. With so many skin care options and services available,  finding the ideal one with few side effects can be challenging. Microneedling is one of the most effective treatments to enhance the quality of your skin. With results seen in as little as 3 treatments and lasting up to 5 years.

Microneedling naturally boosts the production of elastin, collagen, and new tissue to tighten skin,  reduce wrinkles and fine lines, reduce scarring from acne or injury, and reduce hyperpigmentation.  It can turn back the clock on aging skin and restore it to glowing and healthy.

At Jenny Crissman's Clinic in Oakland, we provide the best microneedling services to help you achieve refreshed and healthy skin. Jenny has extensive experience providing natural treatments, like microneedling, to give your skin the boost it needs. If you are concerned about the side effects of Botox and the damage and downtime of chemically invasive treatments but want to enjoy glowing skin,  microneedling is the right treatment for you.

What Is Microneedling?

This minimally invasive treatment is a healthy alternative to Botox, fillers, and other chemical treatments. Jenny Crissman creates a personalized microneedling plan based on your skin concerns.  It just takes a few treatments to achieve glowing skin with microneedling.

Microneedling helps to enhance the production of elastin and collagen, which keeps your skin smooth and firm. This effective procedure is typically done on the face, but many people get microneedling on their neck, decollete and other areas showing signs of aging or scared/damaged skin.

When to Consider Microneedling?

Microneedling offers multiple uses to improve your skin’s condition by improving signs of aging. You  can  consider getting microneedling at our clinic if you are concerned about:

● Wrinkles or fine lines

● Tighten and firm skin

● Shrink enlarged pores

● Uneven skin tone or discoloration

● Mild scars, particularly from burns or acne

● Stretch marks

It is ideal to consult our team to determine whether microneedling is the best solution for your skin concerns.

Benefits of Microneedling

Here are some of the many advantages microneedling offers:

● Decreasing wrinkles and fine lines by boosting elastin and collagen production

● Addressing scars and acne to ensure a smooth skin texture

● Reducing sun damage, including age spots and hyperpigmentation, to rejuvenate your skin

● Enhancing skin structure to reduce loose skin and regain the lost glow

● Shrinking pores by stimulating collagen production around the pores 

● Decreasing the appearance of stretch marks

● Addressing the thickening and ruddiness of skin due to rosacea by reducing skin inflammation

● Improving the effectiveness of topical applications to clear up acne

● Little to no side effects compared to intensive chemical peels, Botox, and laser treatments

Get Microneedling Done By the Experts at Jenny Crissman’s Clinic

Jenny Crissman has offered outstanding acupuncture and Chinese medicine services since  2003  in  Oakland and  East  Bay areas.  Her team conducts an initial consultation to determine your area of concern to create a personalized plan to achieve the best microneedling results.

Book your appointment today to experience the skin of your dreams and flaunt a flawless look.

Neck and Joint Pain from Phone Use – How Acupuncture Can Help

In the recent decade, there has been an increase in the number of people visiting health professionals for neck, upper back, and joint pains. Patients seeking help for soft tissue and joint issues like tendinitis have also recorded a spike in recent years.

How Does Smartphone Use Causes Neck and Joint Pain?

Many health professionals believe that the reason for a greater percentage of the population suffering from neck and joint pain and other similar issues is the increased use of smartphones. The human body isn't evolved for short-range yet long-term movements of joints and muscles that using a smartphone requires.

When we use a phone, we often tilt our necks downwards, flex our wrists, bend our elbows, tighten our muscles from neck to hands, and constrict our fingers. All these movements in the body lead to inflammation and pain of various joints and muscles in our upper body, causing them to swell and squeeze the nerves passing through.

The Dangers to the Body by the Use of Smartphones

 The harmful effects of smartphone use on the body are not mere assumptions but facts proven by research. When left untreated, the pain and inflammation cause permanent damage to nerves, joints,  and muscles, which leads to further health issues.

Damage to nerves through smartphone use causes severe health problems by making the nerves weak.  Weak nerves do not perform properly and disrupt the patient's ability to feel and hold objects in their surroundings. Moreover, damage to brain nerves by smartphones' blue light disrupts the sleep cycle.  When not addressed, the various health issues negatively impact the spinal cord and muscles.

Those living a fast-paced, busy life, such as in Bay Area and Oakland, face a  high risk of developing permanent health issues due to their necessary use of smartphones in everyday life. According to one study, the percentage of young people suffering from neck and joint pain in the US is increasing rapidly.

How to Treat Neck and Joint Pain from Smartphone Use?

Of course, the best way to treat neck and joint pain from smartphone use is to quit its use. However,  that's not possible for everyone. Those who can quit smartphone use must also seek treatment for their pain and inflammation. The human body recovers faster with assistance in its healing proves.

Treating Neck and Joint Pain from Smartphone Use through Acupuncture

Acupuncture is the easiest and quickest way to help the body heal independently. The 3000-year-old  tried and tested practice stimulates strategic sites on the body to initiate and promote its self-healing processes.

Acupuncture involves various methods, i.e., stimulating the acupoints of the body through sterile needles, cupping, and nutrition guidance based on ancient Chinese medicine. Through these methods,  acupuncture treatment promotes the production and release of natural hormones that reduce pain and heal the inflamed site.

Initiating and maintaining the body's self-healing functions are a great alternative to introducing the same chemicals in the form of synthetic pills. The naturally produced endorphins enhance the body's ability to stay healthy in the long run.

 Choose the Best Acupuncturist in California

Opt for natural relief from neck and joint pain from smartphone use in Bay Area and Oakland by contacting  Jenny Chrissman, a trained and licensed nutritionist, dietician, and acupuncturist in California with over 18 years of experience.  Click here to book an appointment today.