Alternative Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are highly common, affecting billions around the world.  More than 50 million Americans  suffer from them every year. While seasonal  allergies aren’t restricted to certain areas, some  regions are more likely to cause them. The Bay Area is one of them. Those living in the Bay Area are at a  significantly higher risk of developing seasonal allergies, not just due to its year-long warm climate but  also because of widespread greenery.

The Bay Area undergoes three phases or  seasons of  pollen spikes during a year . Moreover, there is a  lot  of grass and significant weed growth in many areas, both  are known allergy triggers.   A  Stanford Medicine research study  recently reported that the allergy season in the Bay Area has increased by two  months due to changing weather patterns.

While there are several over the counter antihistamines  available for seasonal allergies, many people do  not find them helpful and prefer to use alternative therapies, herbs and nutritional supplements to  benefit their immune function and lower their histamine response. They are effective and do not have  the common side effects of allopathic  allergy medicines that often cause drowsiness, which is another  major reason why many people avoid using them.

Alternative Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

If you’re one of those people who want to  avoid using antihistamines, here are some viable alternatives:

  • Herbs

Herbs are an excellent natural remedy for seasonal allergies. Here are some of the most tried and tested  ones:

Perilla  – An herb from the mint family, perilla helps  with sinusitis, nasal congestion, eye  irritation, and allergic asthma.

Stinging Nettle  – Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,  astringent, analgesic, and  antioxidant properties.

Sea Buckthorn  – The bright orange-colored berries of sea buckthorn contain over 190 nutrients.

These include organic acids, vitamins B complex, C, and E, and provitamin A. They also have  superoxide dismutase enzyme, which is vital for respiratory health. This herb is not only great for  seasonal allergies but also for chronic coughs and breathing disorders like asthma.

Quercetin  - A plant pigment, antioxidant flavonoid found in onions , berries and  broccoli…known to have protective abilities and combat toxicity, inflammation and histamine  response.

Herbs and Supplements are available, efficacious and easy :

You can find them available as one single herb  or best use is  in combination with several herbs and  nutritional supplements.  They come in capsule form  or powder for ease of administration.


Reported  as a potential antidote for seasonal allergies, the ancient TCM therapy of acupuncture has  been shown to offer quick relief from its symptoms. It’s  believed  to do so by regulating the cytokine  profile of Th1 and Th2 immune cells. Try acupuncture for seasonal allergies if you frequently suffer from  them.

Contact Jenny Crissman for Quick Relief from Seasonal Allergies in Oakland  and East Bay Areas

Jenny Crissman is one of the most renowned TCM experts in Oakland and East Bay areas.

She is not only a pro at acupuncture but is also an herbal medicine expert. Dial  510-595-0700 to  schedule an acupuncture session with her and to get more recommendations for herbs for seasonal  allergies.

Cupping for Pain Management

Being in constant physical pain can be exhausting. Depending on the severity, it can incapacitate you for long periods, making it difficult to lead a happy and healthy life.

Fortunately, there are multiple methods to treat and manage acute and chronic pain.   It typically involves a combination of medical, physical, and psychological approaches. However, many people also find great relief from pain with alternative therapies such as cupping.

Let’s look at it more closely and learn why it is so effective in managing pain.

Pain Management

Pain is a prevalent problem that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the World Health  Organization (WHO), it is estimated that around  20%  of the world's population experiences chronic pain,  which is pain that lasts for more than three months.

In the United States alone, chronic pain affects more than 100 million adults, which is more than the total number of people affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined. In terms of cost, the economic burden of chronic pain in the US is estimated to be around $560-$635 billion annually due to the cost of medical treatment, lost productivity, and disability.

Individuals need to work with their healthcare providers to find the best approach for managing their pain.

Cupping for Pain Management

Cupping is a form of alternative therapy from traditional Chinese medicine that involves using either glass cups or plastic cups to create suction on the skin to help loosen and release tense muscles,  enhance blood flow, and reduce pain. Cupping is often used to relieve pain in the back, neck, shoulders,  and other areas of the body where tension and tightness are common.

Cupping is also believed to help stimulate the immune system, promoting relaxation and alleviating stress. While cupping may not be suitable for everyone, and its effectiveness as a pain management tool may vary, many people find it to be a helpful complementary therapy for managing pain.

The Origins of Cupping

Cupping and acupuncture are two forms of traditional Chinese medicine that have been used for thousands of years to promote healing and alleviate pain. Cupping has been practiced in China for over  3,000 years and is mentioned in texts from the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE).

Acupuncture, on the other hand, originated in China over 2,000 years ago and involved the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to balance the flow of energy (known as Qi or chi) and promote healing. Acupuncture is based on the idea that the body is interconnected and that disruptions in the flow of energy can cause physical, emotional, and mental health issues.

Experience the Healing Benefits of Cupping Today

If you have been suffering from pain for too long, it’s time to put an end to it. Residents of Oakland and the East Bay area can now take control of their health and enhance their overall wellness by scheduling their cupping therapy sessions with  Jenny Crissman.

Jenny Crissman is a health practitioner with 18 years of experience in the ancient healing practices of acupuncture and cupping. Place your trust in her capable hands.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Cold and Flu

With the colder months already here, colds and flu are becoming prevalent. While cold and flu are common ailments and affect people of all ages, they can severely affect those with weak immunity.

Who Is At High Risk of Catching a Cold and Flu?

People at higher risk of catching a cold and flu include children, pregnant women and elderly. Among them, the symptoms of cold and flu, i.e., fatigue, fever, body aches, watery eyes, runny nose, headaches, cough, sneezing, and sore throat, can be more severe and last longer. But even healthy people can suffer from severe cold and flu symptoms. Common ailments can also lead to serious infections like asthma, wheezing, sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infection, and pneumonia. Elderly are statistically at the most risk for pneumonia and severe complications.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 20% of the US population suffers from the flu yearly. Cold and flu also result in over 31 million doctor visits and several million hospitalizations.

Hence, it is essential to take measures against cold and flu as soon as one experiences the early signs.

How to Treat Cold and Flu Early?

Despite the potential severity of cold and flu, doctors only advise resting, hydrating and over the counter drugs for symptom relief. Symptomatic relief is great, but if your immune system is compromised or you are unable to rest this generally only extends the life of the cold or flu. It also prevents the body’s natural immune system from fighting against the viruses, further weakening it. A better way to treat colds and flu onset is to strengthen immunity through natural and traditional medicines, like Chinese medicine and acupuncture. By using herbal remedies and supplements that boost immunity and simultaneously relieve symptoms your system has a good chance of a full and speedy recovery.

Chinese Medicine for Cold and Flu

Chinese medicine for cold and flu is the most effective early on, as soon as symptoms are present. It is based on the basic principle of life-giving energy, i.e., Chi or Qi. This energy represents strong immunity and is strengthened through sleeping well, managing stress, exercising, and eating well.

Specific herbal recommendations will be made according to your specific set of symptoms and based on your history of illness and recovery. TCM also encourages consuming warm cooked foods, broths, stocks and specific fruits and vegetables to aid in your recovery.

Acupuncture for Cold and Flu

Acupuncture is another traditional medical treatment that helps the body fight various illnesses. During a treatment with acupuncture for cold and flu, any blockages in the body are opened to enhance the blood flow, energy flow and strengthen QI to help fight off the virus or flu. . Points to help with sleep and stress reduction are also used.

Acupuncture for colds and flu and herbal medicine for colds and flu assist the body’s natural defense system in fighting against foreign bodies. Both methods allow the body to overcome the early symptoms and develop improved immunity to avoid any occurrence of a new cold or flu in the future.

To benefit from Chinese medicine for colds and flu in the East Bay Area or Oakland, contact Jenny Crissman MS, L. Ac. She will provide acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine formulas to help fight and prevent colds and flu. A full intake and assessment of individuals overall health and medical history will be taken to allow for enhanced effectiveness. These treatments are also designed with a patients’ allergies and current medications in mind.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Feature: How Acupuncture Can Help

No matter where you live and who you are,  you may be affected by breast cancer. A loved one,  colleague, neighbor, family member, or friend might have been diagnosed with breast cancer at some point.

In the past few years, breast cancer awareness has saved countless lives due to early detection. Chinese medicine and acupuncture have been found to assist in managing the side effects of cancer treatment and prevention plans.

This breast cancer awareness month is vital to speak up, share stories, donate, and encourage women to get regular mammograms and genetic testing if necessary.

Prevalence of Breast Cancer

According to the  CDC,  breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women after skin cancer in the US.  Every year,  around  264,000  women in the US get diagnosed with breast cancer.  The risk of breast cancer is higher among women over 50 years of age, but younger women also get affected.

Ways Acupuncture Help Cancer Patients

There are multiple ways acupuncture can help cancer patients, including:

Managing Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Every individual reacts differently to cancer treatments. Often this treatment damages the healthy cells in your body,  resulting in mild to severe side effects. Acupuncture can help manage these side effects to ensure you a better quality of life throughout your treatment time.

 Studies have found acupuncture relieves multiple cancer treatment symptoms, including:

  • Peripheral  neuropathy  –  Muscle weakness, numbness, and pain in feet or hands from chemotherapy

  • Pain – Joint, muscle, or postoperative pain due to hormone therapy

  • Vomiting and nausea – From radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy

  • Hot flashes – Caused by hormone therapy             

  • Fatigue – Due to radiation therapy and chemotherapy

  • Dry mouth – From radiation therapy

Managing Chronic Pain after Cancer Treatment

Many cancer survivors deal with chronic pain for some or many days after their treatments. Studies have found that two types of acupuncture treatments can help relieve chronic musculoskeletal pain among  cancer survivors:

  • Electroacupuncture: The needles are placed on the painful area through which a mild electric current is given for around 30 minutes.

  • Auricular acupuncture: Small needles are placed in the patient’s ears for a few days to help with the pain.

Acupuncture has been found to benefit patients during and after cancer treatment to help with side effects and pain. Most patients find relief when the acupuncture treatment plan is established based on their needs.


Getting diagnosed with breast cancer can be devastating for the patient and their loved ones. Early detection is the key to ensuring you get the appropriate treatment. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are effective in managing the side effects of cancer treatment and increasing immune function.

 Jenny Crissman has been practicing adjunct cancer since 2003 in Oakland and East Bay areas.  She conducts a  thorough evaluation to recommend a personalized plan to manage the side effects and boost your ongoing preventative treatment. Book your appointment today to discuss your unique concerns and develop a plan.

Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for many centuries. The main goal of TMC is to restore the balance in the body, thereby healing it. Many different therapies fall under TCM including herbal remedies, acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion.

Acupuncture, in particular, is a TCM therapy that has been practiced for over 2,500 years. It consists of inserting very fine needles into the skin at various depths and on different points of the body in order to promote blood circulation to the area, increase the release of pain relief hormones, and encourage healing.

The main philosophy behind acupuncture therapy is to restore balance to the body and allow the life-giving force in the body – the 'qi' – to flow freely. When the qi can flow freely through the body, it creates healing and prevents mental and physical illnesses.

Acupuncture has been used to treat various kinds of illnesses such as chronic pain, hypertension, muscle pains, etc. However, it can also be used to treat emotional imbalances such as depression, stress and anxiety.  Let’s take a more detailed look at the use of acupuncture to help treat all stress/ anxiety.

How Acupuncture Therapy Can Treat Stress and Anxiety

Many adults suffer from symptoms of anxiety such as excessive worrying,  negative thoughts, circular thinking and the feeling of being overwhelmed. While these symptoms can be treated through psychotherapy and medication, many people prefer to use acupuncture therapy to help with the symptoms and underlying causes and imbalances, making it a very popular alternative treatment.

There have actually been several scientific studies conducted that have found that acupuncture has been an effective treatment for generalized anxiety and in treating anxiety and stress. One such study found that patients that do not respond to psychotherapy and medications responded very well to acupuncture.

But how does acupuncture actually treat anxiety and stress? After a TCM diagnosis is determined based on every individual's particular imbalance.  FIne acupuncture needles are  inserted at different points in the body  to help calm the body’s central  nervous system.   It helps to balance the parasympathetic ( fight or flight)  and sympathetic ( rest and digest) nervous systems.   When it comes to treating anxiety, there are several individual  diagnoses and a few universal acupuncture point prescriptions.  These points include the DU 20, REN 17, Yin Tang, HT-7, GB-21, LV-3, and SP-6. These points help to regulate imbalances in QI related to the heart and mind. If you visit an acupuncturist that is well-versed in using the therapy to treat anxiety, they will know exactly which acupuncture  points are best to treat your specific diagnosis for anxiety and stress.

If you are someone that is looking to try acupuncture therapy to treat anxiety and stress, you should consider Jenny Crissman for the treatment. Based in Oakland, California, Jenny provides integrative healing care, which includes services such as acupuncture, cupping, nutrition, functional medicine testing, and more. Book an appointment today and get started on your journey of healing.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for treating Insomnia

Since sleeping drugs have their own side effects, most patients are looking for non-drug alternatives to treating insomnia and increasingly prevalent sleep disorders. Chinese medicine and acupuncture have long been providing a natural way to treat sleep issues and are proven to have more lasting effects than their alternatives.

Signs You Can Benefit from Traditional Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture:

Chinese healing and acupuncture address the underlying cause of insomnia and sleep disorders. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • An inability to fall asleep

  • Waking up multiple times during the night

  • Waking up at odd hours and unable to quickly fall back to sleep

  • Feeling anxious, worried, or having racing thoughts before going to bed or when waking

  • Weeks or Months of sleep deprivation lead to depression, anxiety, and irritability

How Can Chinese Medicine Successfully Treat Insomnia?

One of the most acknowledged and proven traditional Chinese healing practices is acupuncture. It is over 3000 years old and is used to treat various conditions such as sleep disturbances, digestive issues, infertility, skin irritations, autoimmune disorders, adjunct cancer care, sports injuries, etc.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

One of the most commonly used methods of healing in Oakland includes acupuncture.  The inserting of a fine, sterile needle on acupoints across the body. Others include herbscupping, infrared heat therapy, electric stimulation, and nutrition recommendations and supplements to activate our bodies innate ability to heal.

Jenny Crissman (MS L.Ac.) – Integrative Healing in the Oakland Area

If you’re looking for traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture healing in the Oakland area, Jenny Crissman is the one. Jenny combines her understanding of ancient Chinese medicine diagnostics with nutrition guidance with the advantages of modern functional medicine to generate a personalized plan for well-being.

With an MS in Acupuncture and Herbs, Jenny has also maintained a current license in the state of California since 2003. Her clinical history comprises 18 years of acupuncture clinical treatment and more than 35 years of education and guidance on developing our relationship with food and health.

Jenny Crissman believes in using a holistic approach to achieving harmony and balance between the body and mind. In the first visit, you will be assessed thoroughly for existing complaints, and a detailed record of your medical history will be noted. It is crucial to define your diagnosis, and it will help with acupuncture point selection meant to correct your specific pattern imbalance.

Jenny considers quality sleep to be a pillar of health and has successfully treated insomnia and sleep disorders.  She may use several modalities aside from acupuncture to help you get back to the rest you desire and need!

Jenny Crissman offers several other services, including herbs and nutrition consultations, and functional medicine testing.

Traditional Chinese Medicine treats so much more.  Pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, adjunct cancer care…

To contact Jenny Crissman by visiting her website or calling 510-595-0700 to book your appointment. You can also visit her site, which is located at 6536 Telegraph Avenue, Suite A201, Oakland, CA, 94609. The site timings are different for all five working days.


FATIGUE is one of the most frequent complaints I hear in my office.

This includes mental, emotional, physical and immune fatigue.

Buzz words - insomnia, wired, mental fog, frustration, depression, inertia, malaise,quick to anger, tired, frequent colds, slow recovery…

The causes vary but there is help!

Causes we  need to consider:

  • Sleep Quality

  • Stress/Anxiety/ Parasympathetic to Sympathetic nervous system deregulation.

  • Adrenal and Hormonal imbalance

  • Post Viral Recovery, (including but not limited to COVID19)

  • Inability to physically recover from injury

  • Emotional Disturbances

  • Anemia

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Hydration

This Is a partial but inclusive list of causative factors.  Many causes morph into one another and systemically overlap.

Do not settle for Fatigue as your new norm.

We need to be stealth fatigue detectives to suss out what is the primary cause, secondary factors and how to correct and avoid this cycle of imbalance.

The last few years have challenged me to hone my skills around figuring out what and how to treat.



Increase vigor and energy of the whole body

Increase and release our adaptation energy to increase our actual energy even more


Ensure we have the energy to help us adapt to the physiological effects of stress

Enhance physical and mental performance

“Pleiotropic” ( having more than one effect simultaneously) to  enhance our neuroendocrine and immune systems function


Improve the tone, histology and function of the adrenal glands


Relax and Energize simultaneously


Alleviate anxiety


Support immune system resilience



Korean Ginseng         





Better known as “GEARS”!

TONICS: * all of the GEARS plus










St John's Wort


Gotu Kola



Passion Flower







The Beauty of most of the “helpers” is they enhance one another. 

They also have numerous other benefits:   reduce inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, regulate blood glucose and some are antiviral and hepatoprotective!

Once we define the primary cause of fatigue then we can then formulate a plan.    

I research and source the most efficacious and safe  combination of products I can find.  Some of my favorites include:

MediHerb Rhodiola & GInseng:

MediHerb Rhodiola & Schisandra

MediHerb Eleuthero:

Designs for Health :  Adrenatone

Pure Encapsulations:  Cortisol Calm

Pure Encapsulations Ashwaganda:

MediHerb Astragalus Complex

Designs for Health: Immunitone  Plus

I would be very happy to help diagnose your needs and help transform your fatigue into  healthy energy!

Set up an appointment and mention this post and receive 10% off any herbs purchased at the time of treatment.  OR alternatively you can purchase some of them from my online pharmacy.  Go to my website and hit the SHOP button!   All herbs or supplements purchased through the site are sold at 10% off.

Stay well and strive for more wellness, use your tools !!

Integrative Healing



CHILL OUT or create INFLAMMATION- tools to help you manage!

Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.

Your nervous system and how you deal with stress determine your innate inflammatory response!

Our nervous system has it's own methodology and understanding how it works might help you better understand how to create new coping mechanisms to bring emotional and physical balance to your health and prevent the harmful effects of inflammation.


Your nervous systems is composed of all the nerve cells in your body and it is this system that communicates with the outside world. Almost every mechanism inside your body, voluntary and involuntary is controlled through this intricate system.

It has two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) is the command center for the brains and spinal cord nerves and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), is all of the other nerves in the body. The PNS is divided into the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the somatic nervous system (SNS).

The ANS regulates the involuntary actions such as digesting, heart rate, breathing, sexual arousal and urination. The SNS governs voluntary movement and your reflexes.

Now here is where it gets interesting!

The ANS has two complementary functions:

The sympathetic nervous system which activates the “fight or flight” response and the parasympathetic nervous system which activates the “rest and recovery” response.

Sustained stress in any form, including environmental pollution, food sensitivities, consistent emotional turbulence like anger, depression, anxiety, to name a few, all activate your sympathetic nervous system, “fight or flight”!

Your body's protective response to any prolonged stimuli, as mentioned above, is INFLAMMATION!

And since we cannot control many of the circumstance we are collectively experiencing, we need to find some simple interventions to counter this “fight or flight” inflammatory response.



A recent study reveals that practitioners of meditation experience the changes in gene expression that are the exact opposite of what occurs during the”fight or flight” stress response.

“Meditation Produces Opposite Effect of Fight or Flight” by Traci Pederson,flight%20or%20fight%E2%80%9D%20stress%20response.

However, sometimes adopting a meditation routine is not so easy for many reasons: time, place to practice and guidance on how to meditate. I recently read an article entitled, “Total Meditation: How to Meditate for Healing” by Deepak Chopra

This article resonated with me in many ways- It is a new approach. “Instead of taking 10-20 minutes out of a busy day to meditate, which many people don’t manage to do regularly, you can reach the meditative state rapidly anytime you want.”

I think you will find it very helpful, you can practice the reset in as little as 10 breaths!



  • Ashwagandha- supports the body to resist stressors of all kinds, chemical, emotional, and physical

  • Eleuthero Root- improves mental clarity and emotional stamina and supports healthy immunity

  • Rhodiola- supports healthy immune function and physical stamina

  • Schisandra Berries- aids in concentration, coordination and calms the heart and mind.


  • Lavender- has various curative properties ranging from relaxation, treating skin and infectious conditions and soothing digestive upset.

  • Skullcap- gently nourishes the nervous system and relieves ruminating thoughts, nervousness and tension

  • Chamomile- helps with relief form mild mental stressors

These herbs can be used in various forms: raw infusions added to a smoothie, essentials oils added to a bath, tablets or encapsulated. Some of my favorite sources are:

Medi Herb Rhodiaola and Schisandra-

Pure Encapsulations Cortisol Calm-

Medi Herb Ashwaghanda Complex-

Organic India Tulsi Tea-


Produces a feeling of deep relaxation, boosts immune function and helps to regulate sympathetic and parasympathetic response.

The Journal Evidences Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine ( eCAM) published a very convincing article: “ Acupuncture Effect and Central Autonomic Regulation”

Qian-Qian Li, Guang-Xia Shi, Qian Xu, Jing Wang, Cun-Zhi Liu, Lin-Peng Wang, "Acupuncture Effect and Central Autonomic Regulation", Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 267959, 6 pages, 2013.

If there was ever a time for some is NOW!

I encourage all of you to find your way to some sort of ongoing self care.

**I also want to include a very necessary lung protective protocol to help boost immunity!

Designs for Health N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine:

Pure Encapsulations Quercetin:

Pure Encapsulations liquid Zinc:

* safe for children

All are available thru my online pharmacy -go to SHOP NOW!

I am here to help with acupuncture treatment, herbs and functional testing.

Telemedicine or in person.

Stay well and hope to hear from you soon!


Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac

August 16, 2020

I hope your summer has been full of creative social distancing, ripe and yummy stone fruit, lot's of out door physical activity along with a few home and self help projects you never even dreamt of before now!

I have been back in my office treating many of you for the last 2 months. I feel confident in all of the safety measures we have in place and have added HEPA filters ( high efficiency air filtering system) to each treatment room in addition to fresh air from windows open and fans on.

I am learning from you, what your concerns and needs are. I want to be of service to help you in anyway I can to maneuver the uncertainties of moving forward with COVID19.

The emotional roller coaster is a rough ride for many and FEAR AND ANXIETY are the two buzz words that I am hearing most about these days.

Fear relates to a known a threat and anxiety often follows from an unknown, or poorly defined threat.

Our lives are full of both of these “threats” at the moment.

The symptoms that occur as a result of Fear or Anxiety often overlap. They are sometimes immediately debilitating but more often we find they exaggerate our Hypothalamic Pituitary, Adrenal Axis ( HPA) aka stress response! If this exaggerated response is maintained for long periods of time it becomes the norm for your body and will negatively effect many biological functions such as:

  • Immune Response/ Decline

  • Sleep Patterns /Disrupted,

  • Blood Sugar levels/Weight Gain

  • Lack of Focus

  • Chronic Inflammation /Physical Pain

  • Digestive Distress

  • Hormonal Changes

At this point in time we may not be able to mitigate the external factors causing stress but we can influence our response to it.

Some simple suggestions:

  • Avoid eating Processed Refined Foods

  • Avoid dieting - just eat plenty of whole foods ( from the rainbow of vegetables and fruits) to supply your body with the macro and micro nutrients that will best support your HPA axis and your whole body health

  • Eat Nutrient Dense Carbohydrates ( Sweet Potato, Quinoa, Berries) with good fiber. A moderate Carbohydrate diet is sometimes better to support to your HPA function

  • Add more fiber and healthful fats to help regulate your Blood sugar. Avoid carbohydrate centric meals and snacks ( pasta, rice, pizza, bread)

  • Dark Chocolate, at least 70% cacao. It contains phytochemicals with beneficial effects on cortisol response. HU Dark Chocolate ( no soy lecithin) !

  • EAT MINDFULLY- sit down, avoid screen time, acknowledge your mealtime and how it will nourish all of your daily activities

Supplements/ foods you can add:

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids - lower evening cortisol, help gut dysbiosis, lower inflammation.* Wild caught seafood 3 x per week

Designs for Health HI PO Omega Avail:

  • Magnesium - normalizes HPA axis function, enhances calming GABA retransmission. *Dark leafy greens, Almonds, Cashews, Avocado

Pure Encapsulations Magnesium glycinate or citrate:

  • L-theanine - an amino acid that supports a balanced stress response * Green tea is an amazing source ( decaf if your sensitive)

Pure Encapsulations Cortisol Calm:

This is the time to help fortify your body’s innate abilities and all of the above are simple doable suggestions. Our best defense is a good offense and sometimes we have to up our game with the basics.

I have provided links to my favorite sources and have supplements available in the office or through my online Pharmacy Wellevate, (find it here on my site), SHOP NOW

You will receive a 10 % discount on all orders placed through the pharmacy !

I hope this serves as a good reminder that I am here still here to help even if you are not ready to come in for treatment. Reach out and I can share more tools and tips: Herbal medicine, Food as “medicine” , Functional medicine testing ( DUTCH Adrenal and Hormonal Panels, GIMAP with recommendations and lifestyle suggestions...

Stay safe and be well as we maintain our diligence to contain the spread of COVID 19:

Wear a Mask

Keep your Distance

Wash your Hands

Come in for some personal acupuncture care when you are ready

Revised office hours and COVID19 safety measures found here on my website!

Hope to see or hear from you soon!